Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Namine is not home. She was supposed to come home last Friday but her heart rate was still high and she had a few destats. We talked with cardiology and the resident and they decided to keep her over the weekend for further observation. They also wanted to keep her until the cardiologists had time to discuss her plan Monday morning. They discussed her this morning and decided that they need to do her cath exam earlier so that they have a game plan for her next heart surgery.

After the cath conference they came and talked to us and told us that they wanted to do her exam tomorrow. She will go at 10:30 this morning to have her exam. This exam is to show the doctors how her blood is flowing, how hard it is pumping and where exactly the PA Band is and how well it is working.

When we know more about when her next surgery is and what is going on I or Paul will try to post to update you all. Love you bunches!
Jessica, Paul and Namine Eiche

P.S. Keep the prayers coming

1 comment:

  1. Thx for keeping us in the loop, Jess. We continue to pray for the baby girl and for strength for the two of you... her faithful earthly parents.

    Lots of love from Jen, Jeremy & Jacob Schultz
    P.S.~ Did I ever tell you that I got to meet G'ma E. last month at the Ladies Advent Dinner??? My best friend's Mom, Annette Navarre, hosted the table I sat at.
